Dubai Drama Group will present Romeo and Juliet at the Dubai Community Theatre and Arts Centre. Confirmed dates are the 2nd and 3rd of March 2007. Register for a newsletter to receive details of this and
Home > Corporate Offerings
Written by Our Theatre Critique
Dubai Drama Group can provide you with that alternative entertainment for your corporate event.
Imagination is more important than knowledge – Albert Einstein
Who we are!
Individuals from the community who have a passion for everything theatrical.
What we can do!
Our hands-on workshops take groups through a program of interactive and enjoyable exercises. In a safe and
supportive environment, participants are encouraged to push the boundaries of their creativity to explore where
their talents can lead them. They experience a number of verbal and non-verbal exercises designed to take
them out of their comfort zone while engaging their imagination and physical expression.
This is followed by opportunities to address experiences and discoveries as they relate to the person or group.
Using techniques and tools of improvisational theatre, our workshops develop and strengthen teamwork, public
speaking, tangential thinking and innovation. The result is a leader and or group with the creative and
interpersonal skills to manage the unexpected and respond to challenges rapidly.
What can we provide!
Workshops combine training, development, team-building, communications, motivation and planning.
Participation and involvement of staff increases the sense of ownership and empowerment, and facilitates the
development of organisations and individuals.
Our activities for the night will include….
- Icebreakers
- Clumps, Falling, It’s a Jungle Out There
- All improvisational games that will get people reacting instinctively. This helps with the next phase of the event.
- Trust
- Alien – An alien in planted on the ship, there is an emergency; one person is given the responsibility of choosing who
will come aboard the life pod. Will it be the alien? If so, you’re dead! - Role playing
- Boardroom Drama – Team Members sit around a boardroom table with the objective of workshoping an idea. (This could be a new company logo, product etc.). Each will be given their own business and personal objectives. During the course
of the meeting, each member is privately given information such as a change of status or perspective which will escalate emotions, obstacles and objectives. A timeframe can be set to increase the demands of decision making. Moles are placed within the audience and the participating members to derail the project.
This is about active listening, focus, teamwork and multi tasking.
Here is how it works; The group stands in a circle facing each other. The facilitator must participate as well. The facilitator explains to the group that they will call out a person’s name and toss a ball to the named person. That person must then
call out another person’s name in the circle (who has not yet had the object tossed to them) and then throw the
object to that person. This continues until everyone in the circle has thrown and caught the object.
The facilitator must explain to the group that each person must remember their catcher. When the object has
been thrown to everyone in the group, the ball returns to the facilitator, and is then thrown around the circle
again, in the same order as before. This cycle continues until the facilitator is happy that the whole group is
comfortable with the exercise. (You’ll know this because people are actually listening for their name to be called
out and catching the object.)
When the group is competent with the first ball, the facilitator introduces a second ball (or suitable object), which
must follow the same order as the first, so that two objects are being passed around the group. When
competence is reached with the two objects, a third is introduced, and still, every thrower must announce the
name of the catcher before throwing. And so on.
At some stage between three objects and saturation point (ie as many objects being passed as people in the
group – it’s up to the facilitator) without warning the facilitator instructs the group to begin tossing the objects in
the REVERSE order (ie., catchers call out names of, and throw to, the people who previously threw to them.
Chaos at first, but all great fun, and gradually people learn, which after all, is the point of the game.
Points of review:
How did you feel when the exercise began?
After you reached a comfort level with the task, how did you feel when more objects were added?
How soon did you achieve comfort level when new objects were introduced, and did this timescale change for
each new object?
Did anyone in the team begin encouraging or helping others by telling them to just focus on the person tossing
the object to them?
When we had the major change of reversing the order the object was tossed, did you expect it?
How did you handle it?
Did the group eventually perform well at it and get a constant flow of objects in the air?
Contact us here…….. and outline your area of interest. Click Here
Last Updated ( Thursday, 16 November 2006 )